
About this website

21st January, 2023
Dylan Muir has been interested in brain, mind and computation from the first time he found that an artificial neural network didn't do exactly what he told it to. Ever since, he has been trying to get more out of networks of neurons than he puts in.

What can we learn about efficient computation from looking at small biological neural networks, like those in insects? We need a non-procedural, non-von Neumann understanding of computation to understand biological neural processing. Designing for FPGAs might be a better software background to have when approaching spiking neural networks. We could adopt clockwork computation as a design paradigm. In clockwork, everything happens all the time. There is no concept of a beginning or end to a computation — computation is a continual processing of information. Should we imagine that computation in biological neural networks involves reaching some final result or fixed equilibrium point? Might it not be more likely that on-going activity represents a continual “best guess” result? We can adapt these concepts to low-power, close-to-the-sensor processing


When the blackbird flew out of sight,
It marked the edge
Of one of many circles.
Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird — Wallace Stevens.



This website was written by hand, using PHP, HTML5 semantic markup and CSS2.1 / CSS3. The layout and styles are my own, but with a heavy nod to Oliver Reichenstein's text as user interface manifesto.

The text on this site is set in Sorts Mill Goudy by Barry Schwartz. This font is a revival of Goudy old style, an Aldine classic serif typeface originally created by Frederic W. Goudy for American Type Founders (ATF) in 1915.
